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Well, I’ve enjoyed presenting my wares and meetin’ some very fine folks by way of my pmreed CARRY GOODS website, but the recent substantial subscription price increase, incurred by the host outfit, has prompted me to decide not to renew my website.


It is to expire January 15.


When the dust settles, I may go back to the “free” site, I previously had. Just will have to put up with some ads and won’t be able to use my own url, which will also expire in a few months.


I can honestly say, the site has served more as a validation, than a sales generator. 

A lot more time coulda/shoulda have been spent working on it, but being a one person operation, with the design, sourcing, ordering, makin’ and tryin’ to sell my wares, it, admittedly, took a back seat.


I’d like to thank folks for their visits and support, and will still be available to post and communicate through my Instagram site:



and Facebook page: <>


Wishing you all Many Happy Trails, in the New Year!


Creator and Purveyor of Rustically Elegant, Hand Crafted Leather and Waxed Canvas Totes, Messenger Bags, Carry-On Bags, Shop Aprons and Accessories.

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