Been a While!

Well, first I must apologize for taking so long to post.
As for most folks, the last two and a half years have been a roller coaster of concerns, worries and confusion.
Being that most of my sales, over the last 7-8 years, since I embarked on this journey, have been through craft and vintage shows, the wind just about completely left my sails.
I used to joke with one of my main leather suppliers, that I needed to join a 12 step program for my leather buying addiction.
I had to put the brakes on my leather and hardware buying, because the first winter of isolation, nothing was moving.
I decided to create my “Isolation Series.
I committed to make nine leather totes, using two different contrasting leathers, taken from stock I already had.
Turns out, I had a bunch of leather, waiting to become something useful.
That was fun!
I put together leathers that I wouldn't have thought of before, and was really happy with the results.
Winter #2
I look forward to winter hibernation, to figure up a couple of new items, to add to my offerings.
On top of the many items that woulda, shoulda gone to shows, that, ultimately didn't occur, I now have a handful of items that I had fun coming up with and making and have joined the inventory of other bags, aprons and other items that still need to find their forever homes.

My first small item, the "Saddle Pocket", was designed with the English saddle in mind.
I’m no expert on fancy saddles, but to my knowledge, there just aren't a whole lot of places to hook on a small pouch for a cell phone, chapstick, t.p., granola bar, or whatever a rider might want to take on a trail ride.
So, I made up my saddle pocket, and sent off a couple to two equestriennes extraordinaire.
My only stipulation was that I would like their feedback - no holds barred.
I remind them that it’s pretty hard to hurt my feelings. I taught middle school.
So far, so good.
Reports, so far, have been very positive.

More to come...